Total Medals Earned: 10,086 (From 1,911 different games.) Total Medal Score: 155,370 Points
Medals Earned: 8/8 (375/375 points)
X marks the spot!
Give 'em a pinch!
Knock that smug grin off Ryu's stupid face!
Nobody likes a turtle!
Clickadick! Clickadick! Clickadick! Clickadick! Clickadick!
Oh Ono!
Watch the whole thing without skipping.
Find all the secret movies!
Medals Earned: 6/17 (40/310 points)
Round 1 completed.
Round 2 completed.
Round 3 completed.
Round 4 completed.
Round 5 completed.
Round 6 completed.
Round 7 completed.
Round 8 completed.
Round 9 completed.
Round 10 completed.
Round 11 completed.
Beat the game.
Beat the game with the Orblobber deck.
Beat the game with the Randomer deck.
Beat the game with the Rumbler deck.
Beat the game with the Slasher deck.
Beat the game with the Summoner deck.
Medals Earned: 2/4 (10/40 points)
get expelled
time's Up
Win the game
Medals Earned: 4/7 (85/170 points)
Defeat a bear baddy
Defeat a bird
Defeat a frog baddy
Get a 5 baddy combo to go into hyper time
Defeat a robot baddy
Get a score of 2050 or more
Finish all 10 waves
Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/125 points)
Beat level 10
Get 30 coins
Beat level 20
Beat level 30
Get 60 coins
Get 90 coins
Medals Earned: 3/3 (85/85 points)
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)
Finish surf training
Medals Earned: 20/21 (270/370 points)
Play Sunnyside Vs. The Eggies!
Look at the options.
Look at the credits screen.
Die for the first time.
Find and destroy a golden egg.
Clear 1 floor.
Clear 3 floors.
Clear 6 floors.
Clear 10 floors.
Clear 15 floors.
Get 50 upgrades in one run.
Play on Christmas (postboy's idea im sorry)
Play on Funky Monkey Friday (ANY FRIDAY!)
Clear 20 floors.
Medals Earned: 4/10 (90/440 points)
Beat a challenge with two strikes
Beat a challenge with only one strike
No strikes gets you this gold
Beat All Bombs Away challenges
Beat all Cage challenges
Beat all wall challenges
Beat the Alien Encounter challenge
Beat the Night Fight challenge
Beat both Keep it up! Challenges
Beat the Sage challenge
Medals Earned: 2/24 (10/420 points)
Visit Tom Fulp in his war blimp
Read the Library scrolls
Talk to the old man
Return the Phoenix Eggs to the Beastmaster doorway
Deliver the required glow flies to restore light
Defeat the two giant slimes
Harness your Hadou with fireball power
Wake up Jorge the Drunk
Carve a sculpture for the Pirate
Return the missing boy to his parents
Defeat the Desert Sand Worm
Learn to twirl your sword
Defeat the Red Wasps
Defeat the Ultra-Crab
Find Nathan
Defeat the Yellow Ork
Free the One-eyed Phoenixes from their cages
Return the 3 orbs to the well
Defeat the Blue Wombat
Sacrifice 3 XP Munchers on the Forest Altar