
RunningZombie's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 10,126 (From 1,916 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 155,580 Points

Rouge, Paper, Sword

Medals Earned: 2/4 (10/135 points)

Game Over 5 Points


Good Luck 5 Points

Attack the second enemy.

Half Way Point 25 Points

Successfully attack the sixth enemy!

Final Fight 100 Points

Reach the final Boss

Royal Squad

Medals Earned: 5/27 (25/500 points)

Credits 5 Points

Check Credits and write author a few words

First done 5 Points

Complete 1st mission

Flash strike 5 Points

Kill 30 enemies using flash strike

Kill 100 5 Points

Kill 100 enemies

Mass kill 5 Points

Kill 12 enemies with single shot

Kill Skeletons 5 Points

Kill 150 skeletons

Kill Witches 5 Points

Kill 12 Witches

Mass damage 5 Points

Deal 50,000 damage

Mines 5 Points

Kill 300 enemies using mines

Dark Knights 10 Points

Kill 50 Dark Knights

Freeze 10 Points

Freeze 400 targets

Kill 1,000 10 Points

Kill 1,000 enemies

Kill 5,000 10 Points

Kill 5,000 enemies

Kill Vampires 10 Points

Kill 50 Vampires

Mantraps 10 Points

Kill 100 enemies using mantraps

Meteor strike 10 Points

Kill 300 enemies using meteor spell

Warriors 10 Points

Kill 300 enemies with warriors

Challenge 25 Points

Complete Challenge

Complete half 25 Points

Half game passed

Hard Wave 25 Points

Complete Hard wave

Headshot 25 Points

Strike 150 headshots

Kill Ogres 25 Points

Kill 25 Ogres

Poison 25 Points

Poison 500 enemies

Upgrade 25 Points

Unlock all upgrades on a single tab

Game over 50 Points

Complete the game

Kill 10,000 50 Points

Kill 10,000 enemies

Completed 100 Points

Get 98 stars

Royal Warfare

Medals Earned: 6/48 (35/500 points)

10 lost 5 Points

10 soldiers killed

100 5 Points

Kill 100 enemies

Battle lost 5 Points

Loose the battle

First done 5 Points

Complete 1st mission

Healer 5 Points

Heal 5,000 damage

Damage bringer 10 Points

Deal 50,000 damage

3,000 5 Points

Kill 3,000 enemies

6,000 5 Points

Kill 6,000 enemies

Archers 5 Points

Kill 150 archers

Beginner 5 Points

Complete 6 missions with 3 stars in each

Broken 5 Points

Break armor 150 times

Control 5 Points

Use Mind Control on 200 enemies

Credits 5 Points

Check Credits and write author a few words

Cursed 5 Points

Curse 400 enemies

Darth knights 5 Points

Kill 100 Darth Knights

Detonated 5 Points

Kill 10 enemies detonating bomberman

Farmer 5 Points

Receive 100,000 in gold

Fast blades 5 Points

Kill 100 enemies using rogue class fighters

Frozen 5 Points

Cast Ice 400 times

Lightning 5 Points

Kill 120 enemies using Flash strike

Massacre 5 Points

Kill 15 enemies with single shot

Ogres 5 Points

Kill 25 Ogres

Poisoned 5 Points

Use poison 100 times

Protection 5 Points

Protection cast 400 times

Resurrection 5 Points

15 soldiers resurrected

Skeletons 5 Points

Kill 1500 skeletons

Stunner 5 Points

Stun 200 enemies

Suffer 5 Points

Suffer 10,000 damage from enemies

The Machine 5 Points

Destroy the Undead Portal

Vampires 5 Points

Kill 50 Vampires

Witches 5 Points

Kill 30 Witches

Zombies 5 Points

Kill 500 Zombies

10,000 10 Points

Kill 10,000 enemies

50 lost 10 Points

50 soldiers killed

Elite 10 Points

Get 50 elite units

Experienced 10 Points

Complete 12 missions with 3 stars in each

Half way 10 Points

Half game passed

HR 10 Points

Hire 600 units

Shoot the Ogre 10 Points

Kill Ogre and receive no damage from him

Strike 10 Points

Kill 400 enemies using Meteor

Survived 10 Points

No soldier killed in the last mission

Total upgrade 10 Points

Upgrade soldier's class to maximum

Upgraded 10 Points

Upgrade 300 units to tier2

Game completed 25 Points

Complete the game and kill the Undead King

Stealer 25 Points

Steal 10,000 gold

Veteran 25 Points

Complete 18 missions with 3 stars in each

Master 50 Points

Complete the game with 3 stars in each mission

All stars 100 Points

Get 119 stars

RPG Dice Game

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/280 points)

Win 1 Game 5 Points

Win 1 Game

Win 5 Games 25 Points

Win 5 Games

Win 10 Games 50 Points

Win 10 Games

Win 20 Games 100 Points

Win 20 Games

Kiss the Ring 100 Points

Earn over 10k Cash

Ruby Heart Matchmakers

Medals Earned: 4/4 (80/80 points)

God Hearts 5 Points

Get a passing score in the tutorial

Young Hearts 25 Points

Get a passing score on the first stage

Old Hearts 25 Points

Get a passing score on the second stage

Opposing Hearts 25 Points

Get a passing score on the third stage

Ruffle:Another Mission

Medals Earned: 3/10 (30/390 points)

Headshot 10 Points

Kill an enemy with a headshot.

Resurrection 10 Points

Respawn three times.

Traniee 10 Points

Complete the training.

Bird Lover 10 Points

Kill three birds.

Lucky Seven 25 Points

Kill seven enemies.

Sky diver 25 Points

Jump from a 50 meter height building without dying.

Elite Sniper 50 Points

Kill ten enemies.

The Hero 50 Points

Rescue three hostages.

Deja vu 100 Points

Complete the mission twice.

The Legend 100 Points

Complete the mission.

Levi Ramirez 10 Points

KILL Levi Ramirez

plufmot 10 Points

KILL plufmot

Stepford 10 Points

KILL Stepford

EpicJohn11 10 Points

KILL EpicJohn11

Jack 10 Points


Zizou 10 Points

KILL Zizou

conundrym 10 Points

KILL conundrym

Connor Grail 10 Points

KILL Connor Grail

nokoi 10 Points

KILL nokoi

SomeApe 10 Points

KILL SomeApe

Droid 10 Points

KILL Droid

heyopc 10 Points

KILL heyopc

MigMoog 10 Points

KILL MigMoog

poptaffy 10 Points

KILL poptaffy

ayekerik 10 Points

KILL ayekerik

Carter Sterling 10 Points

KILL Carter Sterling

Andyl4nd 10 Points

KILL Andyl4nd

meulinex 10 Points

KILL meulinex

SlickRamen 10 Points

KILL SlickRamen

Tom Fulp 10 Points

KILL Tom Fulp

VoicesByCorey 10 Points

KILL VoicesByCorey

Shal 10 Points


Xinxinix 10 Points

KILL Xinxinix

PsychoGoldfish 10 Points

KILL PsychoGoldfish

Will 10 Points


Runaway Railway

Medals Earned: 9/15 (175/500 points)

Participation Award 5 Points

It's the breaking apart that counts

Any% WR 5 Points

Finish in the fastest possible time

Never Eat Shredded Wheat 10 Points

Pass through one track tile in all four directions

Close Call 10 Points

Switch a track tile right before the train rides onto it

Maware Maware 10 Points

Around and around and around...

Rerouted 10 Points

Finish a level in a different tunnel to the one you started in

Training Complete 50 Points

Complete all 30 levels

Express Train 50 Points

Complete every level without using slow speed

Everyday I'm Shufflin' 25 Points

Switch track tiles 1000 times

Full Steam Ahead 50 Points

Beat any 10 levels on fast speed

Survivor 100 Points

Complete 20 levels consecutively without crashing

Overtime 50 Points

Complete level 35

Flying Colours 25 Points

Earn 1,000 points on a single level

High Earner 50 Points

Earn 10,000 points in a game

Far From Pointless 50 Points

Earn 50,000 points across all games

Runes of Shalak

Medals Earned: 2/5 (15/115 points)


Beaten the first level.

MY SAVIOUR 10 Points

Saved Kate.


Killed by every type of hazard.


Found the first Rune of Shalak.


Found the 8-bit world.

Runner Coin

Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/200 points)

First Coin 5 Points

you unlocked first coin

500 Coins 5 Points

your score is 500

1000 Coins 10 Points

your score is 1000

2500 Coins 25 Points

your score is 2500

5000 Coins 50 Points

your score is 5000

10000 Coins 100 Points

your score is 10000

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!